Teamings FAQ

– What is Teamings’ Vision? 

Teamings has a unique vision for enabling organizations to maximize the tremendous productivity potential of their human resources through better planned and organized meet-ings.

Teaming regards the productivity disciplines of finding, linking, triggering and cross-fertilizing hidden productivity resources as the organization’s means for generating even more and better productivity resources.

Teamings regards meetings as the primary medium for deploying targeted productivity disci-plines in ways that are specifically focused on enabling objective-oriented teams to fulfill the organization’s main goals.

Teamings regards advances in data-processing, telecommunications and user-friendliness as meeting-enablers that help keep proliferating and accelerating opportunities for applying productivity disciplines to generate more and better productivity resources for fulfilling the organization’s goals.

– What is Teamings’ Mission? 

Teamings exists to enable organizations to achieve unprecedented levels of productivity and success;

-enabling them to discover and take full advantage of their own tremendous hid-den, neglected and untapped stores of unbundled human resources of knowledge, knowhow, talent, experience, capability, skill, and influence (that are already fully paid for via payroll)

– to generate better inferences, insights, intuitions, evaluations and solutions – in the fulfillment of their goals

– by providing them with meeting programs that apply productivity disciplines of finding, linking, triggering, cross-fertilizing

– through an already vast and ever increasing kinds of objective-oriented team meetings that technology keeps making available.

– What do meeting managers get from Teamings? 

The opportunity to show your management that your meetings are managed more respon-sibly and accountably than other meeting managers.

– How does Teamings accomplish this? 

Instead of merely organizing the meeting in a way that regards the problem free implemen-tation of the meeting as an end in itself, Teamings knows that organizations hold meetings to accomplish important outcomes for the company that might not be possible without get-ting certain people with certain specific knowledge, skills and resources together. So Team-ings helps you to hold and manage your meetings in a way that accomplishes your objective for each meeting, through our meeting technology products and meeting facilitation & optimization services.

– What are meeting objectives? 

Meeting objectives are the changes in the world that need to take place which are unlikely to occur effectively unless the meeting is held as well as it can. Changes can be to your or-ganization, or to key constituencies of your organization, both existing and prospective; such as suppliers, investors, competitors, the public communities around your organization, and the legal and regulatory institutions relevant to either your category or those of your con-stituencies. There are three broad kinds of changes:

-Changes that contribute toward increasing revenues and profits.

-Changes that contribute toward reducing costs in the organization.

-Changes that contribute toward both the above kinds.

– How is Teamings better than other meeting service providers? 

Teamings enables you, the meeting manager, to show how responsibly and accountably you carry out your function in the company. Teamings helps you optimize meetings to help you organize and accomplish the objective.

– What unique understanding does Teamings have, that enables you to perform better than other meeting service providers? 

Teamings regards the entire client organization as a collection of resources and functions that have been brought together to accomplish management’s goals and aims via communi-cations between the people that make up the company. Teamings regards meetings as the medium of these communications, and we have developed the expertise to guide these communications toward fulfilling the objective for each cluster of communications in a way that best contributes to these greater company goals and aims. In this way Teamings also serves the company’s meeting manager, by enabling him or her to demonstrate his or hers usefulness to the company through the results he or she achieves through every meeting he or she holds.

– Can Teamings help the company obtain better results from the meetings that are held internally within the company? 

Yes. Teamings can contribute to improving the results of every meeting that the company holds. We do this by helping you to relate the objective of each meeting to the company’s greater goals and aims, so that each meeting is designed to produce the most useful out-comes toward those ultimate company objectives.

– How will Teamings services benefit our internal meetings? 

We will first work with you to scope out the range and depth of the engagement. Then we will make a recommendation on how we plan to approach the particular engagement we are collaborating on. This recommendation will include number of meetings involved for each objective to be achieved for your company. E.g.. There might be up to six meetings compris-ing pre-and post meetings surrounding the main meeting for each objective. There might be pre-meetings to help define the objective, pre-meetings to identify the participants for the meeting, and pre-meetings with participants to help them prepare optimally for the main meeting, then the main meeting itself, followed by up to two post- meetings, one for build-ing a plan of action necessary to achieve the objective, and another for periodical monitor-ing of progress and necessary adjustments of the plan of action to ensure the optimal trajec-tory going forward.

– What are productivity resources? 

Productivity resources are rich stores of resources for maximizing productivity in the organi-zation. Knowledge, know-how, talent, experience, capability, skill, motivations, influence, inferences, insights, intuitions, ideas, clarity, evaluations, answers, and solutions are some of the most common productivity resources.

– Why are productivity resources typically neglected and underutilized? 

Knowledge, know-how, talent, experience, capability, skill, motivations and influence are emotional or mental resources, and, as such, invisible to our senses. They are accessible to direct focus and scrutiny only to those who actively seek them, by temporarily withdrawing focus and attention from our usual sensory field of experiences.

– What are productivity disciplines? 

Productivity disciplines are used to process available productivity resources into more and better resources, typically for the objective at hand. These disciplines are finding, linking, clustering, organizing, triggering, cross-fertilizing, analyzing, organizing, modeling, and synthesizing.

– Can Teamings be trusted with the organization’s information? 

Yes. Because we recognize that your greatest challenge comes from your competitors, who are always seeking to do their best to get your customers, your best people and your most valuable methodologies and technologies. This is why we are ready to enter into a non-competitive, non-disclosure agreement with you that includes our eschewing any work with any of your competitors. Also, your internal meetings will be serviced only by our most sen-ior productivity officers.

– How does Teamings charge for helping to organize and manage such internal meetings? 

You can be sure that even the highest fees charged by our most senior officers’ contributions to your internal meetings will not add up to a fraction of the value of the outcomes relative to your greater goals. In any event, we will present you an estimate of our fees for any such internal engagement, and we will only proceed after you are satisfied that our cost will be a bargain for you.